Tsfat Education Fund | TSFAT - Tsfat Education Fund
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Torah, prayer, ancient, yearning, redemption. Tsfat excels at integrating the exalted and sublime with the practical and mundane. This is both her beauty and her challenge.

In the 16th century, Tsfat was the spiritual center of the Jewish world. The tzaddikim of that generation set the table for Am Yisrael, drawing down the light of the Torah deep into the world where it could be grasped in the most practical way.

Nachal Novea Mekor Chochma is nourished from the spiritual core of Tsfat, inextricably bound to the holy site across the valley in Meron, resting place of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. For over four decades, Nachal Novea has established Centers of Judaism built on the spiritual foundation of Tsfat.

But this depends on the participation and support of Jews around the world to make the city flourish both physically and spiritually. According to the Arizal, Tsfat holds the key to global blessing and redemption. Campaign Tsfat is a combined endowment and capital campaign to provide long-term sustainability for Judaism in Tsfat. A successful campaign will catalyze an explosion of creativity and excellence in Torah. Such an event will inspire countless Jews to return to their roots, opening a wellspring of blessing and tikkun olam.
