Finally! An endowment fund has been established for the long-term sustainability of Nachal Novea institutions in Tsfat.

Your monthly donation to the Chayei Nefesh Endowment Fund will benefit the Torah institutions of the Holy City of Tsfat for many years to come.

An Endowment Fund is a special account established to generate income for a specific purpose. The principal is never touched; only the interest or dividend earnings are distributed. Thus, an Endowment Fund gives stability and viability to the Holy City of Tsfat for generations to come.

The Chayei Nefesh Tsfat Endowment Fund was established in the name of Reb Gedaliah Aharon Kenig, zt”l, on behalf of the educational and social institutions he founded in Tsfat. There is no minimum gift amount requirement to donate to the Chayei Nefesh Tsfat Endowment Fund. Further gifts will only help the fund grow.

Named Endowments: Depending upon gift size, individual funds may be established and named in honor of the donor or a designee of the donor. This name will be perpetuated with continued distributions from the fund for the designated purpose.

Your gift to endow Tsfat makes a substantial and enduring investment in the future of Tsfat, the Jewish people and the entire world during a critical time in Jewish history.

To download our Endowment & Planned Giving Guide click here.

View the endorsement of HaRav Elazar Mordechai Kenig, zt”l: